Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Pro Optimal Whey Protein Supplement

Pro Optimal Whey Protein Supplement

Why Pro Optimal Whey Protein? Click on this link for an in depth explanation here:

Pro Optimal Whey Review

Pro-Optimal Whey Protein is full of vitamins and is unfettered by artificial flavors and colors. If you demand the highest quality whey protein supplement then Pro Optimal is a great choice. Doctor Mercola recommends this product to his patients due to the high bio availability of the whey protein and the fact that it tastes great as well.

Avoid bloating and gassiness that other protein supplements can cause due to artificial sweeteners and other toxic substances.

Aside from pure whey protein also includes:

  • Lactoferrin. Enhances iron absorption when needed. Also supports immune health and optimal inflammation levels*.
  • Immunoglobins. Numerous immune system benefits.
  • Bovine Serum Albumin. Along with lactoferrin and immunoglobins, contains generous amounts of cysteine and glutamine (necessary for glutathione production).
  • Covalent-Bonded Cysteine. Critical precursor of the intracellular production of glutathione (GSH), your master antioxidant and detoxifier.
  • Active Peptides. Specialized paired amino acids that display a helpful information transfer factor effect on the immune system. They also boost intracellular glutathione.
  • Growth Factors. Growth promoting protein fractions help regenerate aged and injured cells, build muscle, process energy efficiently, enhance immunity, and support healthy blood sugar and brain chemicals.*

Plus Pro-Optimal Whey Protein Contains:

Glutathione (GSH) happens to be your body's best-kept secret in the war against free radicals and the signs of aging.

Glutathione (GSH) acts as your body's "master" antioxidant and detoxifier. It is a tri-peptide made up of the amino acids cysteine, glutamic acid, and glycine. Our bodies produce GSH when we have adequate amounts of these critical components. Drinking Pro-Optimal Whey™* with Proserum® native whey protein in it ensures that you receive the highest amounts of these components.

If you're looking for a great tasting and healthy protein to supplement into your healthy lifestyle then consider that Doctor Mercola recommends Pro-Optimal Whey protein is simply the easiest way to get a great tasting and healthy way to start your day and ensure optimal healthy living.

My take:

I've been using Pro-Optimal whey now for almost a year and have noticed signifigant improvement in my well being and state of mind. Due likely to changes in my lifestyle as well as my diet and supplementation schedule I feel much more vibrant and energetic.

Switching to Pro-Optimal whey protein has caused less upset stomach's (gas) and more easily digested overall. I also believe that it has helped me maintain better blood sugar levels and helped me stave off mid-morning cravings for junk food.

In one year I have lost approximately 15 pounds of fat and put on about 10 pounds of muscle. I have to admit if this protein didn't taste good I would have stopped using it altogether and probably stopped supplementing my diet with protein altogether.

If you want more info on this protein check the links below..

Take care, enjoy and good luck with you healthy living changes!

P.S. * Visit Doctor Mercola's Site for more information and studies in relation to Pro-Optimal Whey